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The ABC's of EMDR With Children and Youth: Building Up From the Basics
Introduction to Course
Introduction to Course Video (15:47)
Course Overview & Objectives EMDRIA Program Application Information
EMDRIA EMDR Definition PDF's
Study Actual Quiz Questions
Total Bundle of Course Phase Activities
Bundle Course
EMDR Therapist Development
EMDR Therapist Development Video (6:32)
Therapist Insights
Phase 1: History Taking & Case Planning
Phase 1: History Taking & Case Planning Video (34:31)
Phase 1: History Taking & Case Planning: "Get on the Same Page" Tara's Presentation Notes
Why Am I Going to Therapy & What's Going to Happen?
Confidentiality Child
Confidentiality Teen
Timeline of Upsetting Stuff: Child
Timeline: Bright Times Dark Times: Teen
All About Me! Child
All About Me! Teen
Parent Feedback Form
Phase 2: Preparation
EMDR Phase 2: Preparation Video (39:25)
EMDR General BLS : Infinity BLS Teen
EMDR General BLS: Busy Bees
The Brave Butterfly
My Gifts: Reverse Container
Tell it to Teddy: Container Activity
Mini Calm Place Using Recycled Hardened Sand
Squish & Squash Stress Ball
Phase 3: Assessment
EMDR Phase 3: Assessment Video (25:50)
EMDR Phase 3: Assessment Tough Times Transition From Phase 2 -3
EMDR Phase 3: Assessment Target & Worst Part Draw
EMDR Phase 3: Assessment Therapist Tracking Page
EMDR Phase 3: Assessment Identify Negative Belief
EMDR Phase 3: Assessment Identify Emotion
EMDR Phase 3: Assessment Identify Body Sensations
EMDR Phase 3: SUDS Explanation
Phase 4: Desenstitization
EMDR Phase 4: Desensitization Video (24:16)
EMDR Phase 4 Desensitization BLS/EMDR Explanation to Child and Basic Script
The Damagers Protection Team Activity
EMDR Prong 1: Touchstone Memory Video (5:52)
EMDR Prong 1: Touchstone Memory
EMDR General BLS: Busy Beaver Video (0:37)
EMDR General BLS: Busy Beaver
Pre-EMDR "The Damagers" Demo Read Slides
Pre EMDR "The Damagers" Demo Watch (2:12)
EMDR "The Damagers" Demo Video (20:23)
Post EMDR "The Damagers" Demo Read Slides
Phase 5: Installation
EMDR Phase 5: Installation Video (10:22)
EMDR Phase 5: Installation I am Better Now
EMDR PC Integration: Coat of Arms
EMDR Prong 3: Future Template Video (3:51)
EMDR Prong 3: Future Template
Phase 6: Body Scan
EMDR Phase 6: Body Scan Video (5:45)
EMDR Phase 6: Body Scan Head Shoulders, Knees & Toes
Phase 7: Closing
EMDR Phase 7: Closing Video (4:54)
EMDR Phase 7 Closing: Container Script Options
EMDR Phase 7: Closing Complete & Incomplete Session
Phase 8: Re-Evaluation
EMDR Phase 8: Re-Evaluation Video (5:39)
EMDR Phase 8: Re-Evaluation Therapist Tracking Page
EMDR Phase 8: Re-Evaluation Pop-up Log Chart
Upcoming Courses & References
Course slides
Link to In-Session Store for EMDR Activity Resources for Children & Youth
Link to In-Session Store
Entire Presentation Slides with no Video
Course Presentation Slides/No Video
Course Evaluation
Course Evaluation Mandatory
Course Quiz: 80% score required for CE Credits. Retakes unlimited.
Course Quiz for EMDRIA CE Credits Mandatory
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